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6th Annual Earth Day Coloring Contest is now open! Click here to download coloring pages
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Brightening the WORLD!

Celebrate Earth Day with the Meridian Waste Children’s Coloring Contest

Help brighten the world by coloring and creating your vision of the provided coloring sheets. Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on April 22. By keeping the environment clean & green through proper waste management, you too can do your part for the planet!

Download, print, and get creative with your coloring skills:

Color until your heart is content! In the spirit of sustainability, no need to crumble up your paper and start over if you think you made a coloring mistake. Make it work - turn that scribble outside of the lines into a tree or vine. Get creative with your coloring vision.

Below are the downloadable coloring pages. (11’ x 8.5” – letter sized paper) for our coloring contest per age group. Have fun creating your work of art and have your parent/guardian help you to submit your final artwork including the submission information form below.  

Ages 3-4 Coloring Template
Ages 3-4 Coloring Template

CLICK HERE to download PDF

Ages 5-7 Coloring Template
Ages 5-7 Coloring Template

CLICK HERE to download PDF

Ages 8-10 Coloring Template
Ages 8-10 Coloring Template

CLICK HERE to download PDF

Thank you for participating in the Meridian Waste Earth Day Coloring Contest!

We’re excited to see the artwork of our entrants and look forward to announcing the contest winners on April 22, 2025. To submit your entry, please review the Official Rules & Regulations, and fill out the form below. Don’t forget to upload your artwork!

Submissions must be received by April 15, 2025, at 11:59 PM EDT.

To enter, print out one of the PDFs that are linked above and color it in using any non-electronic medium you'd like. Upload your entry via the submission form linked below the coloring sheets. Entry must be received by Meridian Waste no later than 11:59 PM EDT on April 15, 2025. No other method of entry will be accepted.

Note: By submitting your artwork, contestant and contestant’s legal parent or guardian agrees to all the rules and regulations of this contest and to the photo / reproduction release.

Tell us about the artist:
Name *
Last Initial *
City *
State *
Age of artist *
Artwork Category:
Ages 3-4
Ages 5-7
Ages 8-10
Upload your JPG or PDF here
*The winner's prize will be mailed to the address detailed below:
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about the contest? *
What color is the sun? *
By clicking here, contestant and contestant’s legal parent or guardian agrees to all the Official Rules & Regulations of this contest and to the photo/reproduction release listed therein.
The contestant and contestant’s legal parent or guardian expressly agree to the terms and conditions of the Photo and Marketing Release.

The contest is now open

Submissions must be received by April 15, 2025, at 11:59 PM EDT for the Brightening the World Earth Day Coloring Contest. Winners will be announced on April 22, 2025.

Prize Packages

First (1st) Place:

  • Garbage truck plaque with winner's name and age category (photo may be included)
  • Personalized t-shirt showcasing the winning artwork
  • First (1st) place ribbon
  • Gift card
  • Artwork featured on our website and included in the press release
  • Ultimate bragging rights

Second (2nd) Place:

  • Personalized t-shirt showcasing the winning artwork
  • Second (2nd) place ribbon
  • Gift card
  • Artwork featured on our website and included in the press release
  • Bragging rights

Third (3rd) Place:

  • Personalized t-shirt showcasing the winning artwork
  • Third (3rd) place ribbon
  • Gift card
  • Artwork featured on our website and included in the press release
  • Bragging rights

The Meridian Waste team will carefully review all submissions and select three (3) winners from each age category for a grand total of nine (9) winners. Winners will be announced on our website by noon EDT on April 22, 2025. Each winner will receive one prize package, which will be mailed after April 22, 2025.

15 Things You Can Do To Protect The Earth


Let's Celebrate Earth Day!

Support our pollinators - Clean up plastic in your neighborhood or park - Swap out your kitchen and household products -  Stop pesticides and chemicals in the garden - Lets work together to make our planet healthier!  Below are some ideas of ways you can make this Earth Day a green one.

Did you know?

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac,  "the first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, when San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration. Dealing with dangerously serious issues concerning toxic drinking water, air pollution, and the effects of pesticides, an impressive 20 million Americans—10% of the population—ventured outdoors and protested together."

Green Crafts
Bug Hotel
Bug Hotel
  • Large plastic bottle cut into two cylinders
  • String for hanging
  • Sticks and twigs
  • Pine cones
  • Bark
  • Pieces of moss
  • anything else you can find – bamboo with it’s holes, make natural straws, which are great hidey hole for insects and bugs! Basically any natural materials are great!
  • Cut the bottle down to size
  • Arrange your materials by size and texture
  • Decide on the insect hotel location and add string for hanging
  • Make sure your hotel is stuffed nice and cozy so nothing falls out!

Credit: Red Ted Art

Recycled Can Bird Feeder
Recycled Can Bird Feeder
  • Used coffee can with plastic lid
  • Can opener
  • Craft paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Duct Tape
  • Yarn
  • Birdseed
  • Clean and open your coffee can with a can opener.
  • Cut the coffee can’s plastic lid in half.
  • Paint your coffee can lid halves. Let dry.
  • Decorate your can with colorful duct tape. Tips: Layer the tape on top of each other to create different widths.
  • Cut yarn or ribbon at your desired length. Thread it through your can. Place the half lid on either side of the can.
  • Fill your can with birdseed and hang outside.

Credit: Momtastic

Clay Impressions with Plants and Flowers
Clay Impressions with Plants and Flowers
  • Clay
  • Plants and Flowers
  • Optional: craft paint
  • Roll desired amount of clay flat
  • Place a bit of plant or flower onto the clay and rolled over it gently with a smooth water bottle
  • Pull the plant off the clay and admire the details now imprinted in the clay
  • Allow the clay to dry overnight. It should feel completely dry before you paint it.

Credit: My Bright Ideas

Green Books To Read

Check out your local library, or trade books with a friend! Here are some ideas:

Captain Green and the Plastic Scene by Evelyn Bookless
Captain Green and the Plastic Scene
by Evelyn Bookless
What Does It Mean to be Green by Rana DiOrio
What Does It Mean to be Green
by Rana DiOrio
Where Does the Garbage Go? By Paul Showers
Where Does the Garbage Go?
by Paul Showers
Peep Inside the Garden by Anna Melbournee
Peep Inside the Garden
by Anna Melbournee
Earth Ninja: A Children’s Book About Recycling, Reducing and Reusing by Mary Nhin
Earth Ninja: A Children’s Book About Recycling, Reducing and Reusing
by Mary Nhin
Happy Earth Day! (Little Golden Book) by Deborah Hopkinson
Happy Earth Day! (Little Golden Book)
by Deborah Hopkinson
Green Activities
Get outside and enjoy Mother Earth!
Go for a hike!
Check local websites for a list of trails in your area. Use search words like "hiking trails or city/county parks near me"
Trash Clean-up!
Grab a trash bag and some gloves and take a walk around your neighborhood and beautify your local roads
Explore your town by bike!
Use key words like "Bike paths near me" to search for areas to explore by two wheels
Create a composting pile!
Check out this link for more information on how to compost at home
The link will take you to a site with more than 20 ideas of bird feeders you can make with items you likely already have at home!
Use a free printable to do an Earth Day Scavenger hunt in your own backyard!
Plant seeds for pollinators in your area!
Check out the information below from Pollinator Partnership
What Are Pollinators? Birds, bats, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps, small mammals, and most importantly, bees are pollinators. They visit flowers to drink nectar or feed off pollen and transport pollen grains as they move from spot to spot.
Why Is Habitat Creation For Pollinators Important? Improved pollinator habitats can increase the presence of native pollinators on working vegetable, fruit, and grain farmland. This can improve farm viability and climate change resilience. Climate change is causing more frequent and erratic weather extremes, such as drought and intense rain events.
Learn More About Pollination by watching this video:
Do you know What to Plant for Pollinators In Your State? Visit the link below!
Conservation Tips
Here is a list of ideas for ways you can practice conservation from howstuffworks:
Conserve Water
Be Car-conscious
Walk, Bike or take Public Transit
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Switch to LEDs
Live Energy Wise
Eat Sustainable Foods
Plant a Tree
Give Up Plastics

Official Contest Rules & Regulations

  • This coloring contest is a fun way to engage children on Earth Day. This contest is intended for children ages 3-10 who are split into three age categories. Coloring pages per age category can be downloaded from the Meridian Waste website.

  • There will be three (3) winners per age category (placed 1st, 2nd & 3rd); nine (9) winners total. Winners will be chosen by Meridian Waste staff and announced on the website on April 22, 2025, by NOON EDT.

  • This is a skill-based contest and chance plays no part in the determination of winning.

  • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase will not increase your odds of winning.

  • Contest entry begins March 1, 2025 at 12:00 AM EDT, and ends April 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM EDT.

  • To enter, print out one of the PDF coloring sheets that are located at and color it in using any medium you'd like. Upload your entry via the submission form linked below the coloring sheets.  Entry must be received by Meridian Waste no later than 11:59 PM EDT on April 15, 2025, by website submission. No other method of entry will be accepted.

  • Contact and address information collected will be used for the purposes of this contest only and will not be used for marketing or other purposes.

  • Limit one (1) entry per person. All entries must be original and entirely created by the entrant. There are no restrictions on what an entrant can use to color the image.

  • Three (3) winners in the 3-4 age group; three (3) winners in the 5-7 age group; three (3) winners in the 8-10 age group will be announced on the company website on April 22, 2025. We will contact the winners’ parents or legal guardians on or after April 22, 2025, using the preferred contact number that is listed on the form. 

  • All entries become the property of Meridian Waste and Meridian Waste is granted the permission to publish the artwork with the child’s first name, last name initial, and city/state for appropriate media distribution including general press releases promoting and announcing the contest or future contests.

  • Winners agree to share a picture of the child to accompany the winning artwork.

  • Non-compliance or return of prize notification as undeliverable, whether by email or telephone, may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate potential winner. In the event of insufficient entries for an age group, a winner may not be chosen for that age group.

  • Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

  • Meridian Waste employees’ children and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.

  • Copying, tracing, and electronically generated artwork will be disqualified.

  • Meridian Waste is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected entries, or incomplete/incorrect entries.

  • By participating, Contest entrants: (1) represent that they have complied with these Official Contest Rules; (2) have received parental consent and grant Meridian Waste the right to use his or her name, city, and state (3) release Meridian Waste from any and all liability in connection with this Contest.

  • This contest is open to all children in the United States. At this time, Meridian Waste is unable to award prizes to those located outside of the United States.

  • There is no cash value or monetary prize associated with this contest.

  • All submissions must be uploaded to with file formats of a JPG or PDF. All submissions must be completed by a parent or guardian age 18+ with correct contact information. No information will be sold or used for any purpose outside of the contest.

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