Are there superheroes on your street? Superheroes take many forms, and to many children, the teams who keep your neighborhood clean & green are just that! We are always tickled when we receive notes from parents and children about the impact our teams have on their community, particularly to the children. Here's a sweet one from today, Wednesday, February 19, 2020.
Every week he comes by, and my kids watch him as he picks-up our cans and drives down our street. He is always interactive with them, talking to them, and honking the horn for them. I know it may not seem like much, but he doesn’t have to take the time to engage with children - and it puts such a big smile on their faces. They look forward to him coming each week. I’m not sure what his name is - but he is awesome!
One of our biggest fans waiting for his favorite garbage truck driver!*
Kendrick shows his little buddy how the truck works!
Thank you for sharing, you've made our day!
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*Photos published with written permission from the parent/author.