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Pick My Recycling Cart


Dear Wright City Meridian Waste Customer,

Meridian Waste is proud to continue to be your environmental services provider. Unfortunately, a recycling crisis is sweeping the U.S. and frustratingly, it’s impacting the greater St. Louis marketplace. World market conditions and current contamination levels have forced many processors into an unsustainable model to continue operating as before.

Resource Management’s Earth City Materials Recovery Facility notified Meridian Waste that they will NO LONGER accept single stream recyclables collected curbside from residential customers. Converting to dual-stream recycling helps to ensure cleaner, less contaminated recyclables while broadening the marketplace willing to accept and market the materials for reuse and true recycling.

As a result, there are important changes to your recycling service.

What’s Changing & Why?

You can still recycle curbside but there are some big changes:

We are moving to dual stream so you will now have two separate recycling containers collected on alternating weeks. One container is for RIGIDS (plastics & metals) and one container is for FIBER (paper & cardboard). 

You will be receiving a second recycling cart in April. Select your second cart or opt out below by April 8.*

* If you do not want a second recycling cart and wish to only recycle RIGIDS curbside, you may opt out of receiving a second recycling cart using the form below. Please make your choice no later than April 8.

Why Two Carts?

Wright City is Switching to Dual Stream Curbside Recycling on May 1

Converting to dual stream recycling helps to ensure cleaner, less contaminated recyclables while broadening the marketplace willing to accept and market the materials for reuse and true recycling.

Plastics & Metal Cart (RIGIDS)

Please place only these items in the rigids recycling cart.

  • Aluminum, tin & steel cans 
  • Plastic #s 1, 2, 3, 5, & 7 *Black plastic not accepted


First collection for your Rigids recycling cart will be Wednesday, May 1, and then every other week after.

Paper & Cardboard Cart (FIBER)

Please place only these items in the fiber recycling cart.

  • Mixed paper (newspapers, magazines, junk mail, computer paper, telephone books)
  • Corrugated cardboard

First collection for your Fiber recycling cart will be Wednesday, May 8, and then every other week after.



 Click here for the Recycling New Collection Calendar

Have a recycling question? Visit Common Recycling Questions & Answers.



Residents may use their handheld recycling tote such as the one pictured below instead of a 95 gallon recycling cart. The container must be clearly labeled for Recycling.


recycling bin

Select Your Fiber Recycling Cart or Opt Out by April 8

Please note: Cart requests submitted after April 8 may be delayed in fulfillment.
First Name *
Last Name *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Area Code
Mobile Phone
Customer Number

Cart sizes are as follows L x W X H:
Rigids Cart Selection:
(32" x 25" x 45")
This is your current recycling cart, which will be used for Rigids collection.

Please have your recycling cart out on your recycling collection day(s) for pickup. It may take up to 4 weeks for our team to collect your cart.

Fiber Cart Selection:
(37" x 29" x 46")

Please Note: Pricing does not change based on recycling cart combination. If a resident chooses to recycle with two carts, one cart, or not at all, the price remains.
What color is the sun? *

Recycling Stickers/Instructions

Below are images of the recycling cart stickers that will be placed on each of your recycling carts.  

For more information on the recycling industry crisis, we encourage you to visit


Rigids sticker


14x 9 Fiber Sticker - Wright City (d )2 

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